List of previous sites of the week

Current: Franco-Scottish Society, Edinburgh branch see programme of talks


Previous sites (most recent first):

Football Supporters Federation including A Derby to be Proud of

Sporting Statues Project: Zidane headbutt statue The Sporting Statues Project records and researches statues of sportsmen and women around the world. Since 2010, it has published academic papers and magazine articles, and collected information on over 600 statues. The project is the work of Dr Chris Stride, Ffion Thomas and Dr John Wilson. It is based in Sheffield University.

Beaulieu-sur-Mer (official site) where James Gordon Bennett Jr lived and moored his yacht when in the Mediterranean area. See also his favourite restaurant and bar in La Réserve Hôtel de Luxe

New French government Vals II

Histoire@Politique -Politique, culture, société Revue électronique du Centre d'histoire de Sciences Po. No. 23 Mai 2014: dossier "Cultures sportives et cultures politiques. Le cas des chefs d'Etat et de gouvernement dans le monde au XXe siècle. Coordination : Patrick Clastres

Musée national du sport now in Nice (Boulevard des Jardiniers - Stade Allianz Riviera) - opening 21 June 2014.See also its links page Où trouver de l'info sportive under 'Documentation'

OQLF: Banque de dépannage linguistique (BDL) "l'orthographe, la grammaire, la syntaxe, la ponctuation, le vocabulaire, la typographie, les sigles, abréviations et symboles, les noms propres, la prononciation, la rédaction et la communication.

Les mardis littéraires de Jean-Lou Guérin ont lieu tous les mardis à 20 heures 30 - Au 1er étage du Café de la Mairie - 8 place Saint Sulpice - Paris 6ème - Métro : Saint Sulpice - Mabillon.

La semaine du football féminin 7-14 mai 2014

Coupe Aéronautique Gordon Bennett The international gas balloon competition was initiated by the newspaper magnate James Gordon Bennett, owner and director of the New York Herald, in 1906, when he donated a trophy, which was competed for by 16 balloons taking off from the Tuileries Gardens in Paris. The 57th race took place in 2013, from Nancy.

Gordon Bennett balloon race 2013 un extrait du documentaire "Un Grain de Folie" réalisé par Benoit Tanguy. Suivez Vincent Leys et Christophe Houver lors de la 57ème Coupe Aéronautique Gordon Bennett dont le départ a eu lieu à l'aéropôle du Grand Nancy à Tomblaine le 25 août 2013. Des images à couper le souffle depuis leur ballon à gaz "le grain de folie".

Urban Cycling Revolutions Interview with Chris Froome, and Bédoin descent of Mont Ventoux through on-bike camera (max speed 131.8 km/h)

The Itinerant Poetry Libary - "continuously since May 2006 The Itinerant Poetry Librarian has been travelling the world with a free public library".

Rwanda 20 years on Portraits of reconciliation (New York Times)
Team Rwanda aim for Tour de France

Franco-British Council School Prize

Soutien à la traduction on the Institut français site (Depuis 2010 l’Institut français est l’opérateur de l’action culturelle extérieure de la France.)

RadioGraphy "une publication nouvelle du Groupe de recherches et d'études sur la radio (GRER), une association scientifique pour la promotion de l'étude du média radio"

IDN Sport conference Probing the boundaries call for papers: dates Friday 1st November 2013 – Sunday 3rd November 2013 Athens, Greece

Conference on Women's football in Europe

Proust centenary exhibition

Hugh Dauncey French Cycling A social and cultural history

Silver Snail Myra Robinson's travels between Newcastle and Italy, often via France

Société française d'Histoire du Sport "une association composée principalement d'universitaires et de professeur(e)s agrégé(e)s appartenant au champ des STAPS (Sciences et Techniques des Activités Physiques et Sportives). Après un premier élan dans les années 1980-1990, elle renaît au début des années 2000.

FREE (Football Research in an Enlarged Europe) a collaborative and interdisciplinary research project which seeks to understand the impact of the most popular and most widely shared of all expressions of popular culture, football, on the dynamics of identity, patterns of perception and cultural change in Europe. The project seeks to explore an apparently non-political, but fully existing sub-cultural European public space of communication: the European football scene in the largest sense.

Southern Fried French blog life in a 14th century chateau in the Burgundy countryside with a lovely French couple. A blog about them, and about French life from an Anglo perspective, with tips on moving to or traveling around France (by long-time members of the Alliance Française in the US)

British Library Sport & Society The Summer Olympics and Paralympics through the lens of social science

Tour de France BBC guide stage by stage, BBC A-Z of the Tour's history or the official French TdF site

Euros official site UEFA - European Nations Cup 2012

Bibliothèque de l'Institut de France - documents numérisés

Bons Mot[ty]s

European Cycing Lexicon in 27 languages

la 17e Semaine de la langue française et de la Francophonie 2012 (du 17 au 25 mars) à Londres; see also Semaine de la langue française on site of Délégation générale de la langue française, its annual organiser.

The Routledge Dictionary of Cultural References in Modern French by Michael Mould, new book at the Language Lighthouse

La faute à Diderot Blog

2012 BBC radio series Sport and the British

L'affaire de la chapelle Laennec (Paris Tribune) and the Comité Laennec-Turgot Laennec support association and petition

Lexicool a directory of "all" the online bilingual and multilingual dictionaries and glossaries freely available on the Internet. It is a resource intended for translators, linguists, language students and all those interested in foreign languages. Includes easy access to 5 free online translation sites (Google, Bing, Reverso, Systran, SDL)

The Stadium Guide Erik's non-commercial site giving football stadium details across the world - see his About page

Bienvenue dans la cuisine française! The French Digital Kitchen at Newcastle University is a situated language learning environment where the kitchen communicates with users, instructing them step-by-step in how to cook French cuisine and teaching aspects of French language.

Centre national de la Photographie - site Jeu de Paume with Diane Arbus retrospective (18 October 2011- 05 February 2012)

Dire, ne pas dire "donne chaque mois le sentiment de l’Académie française sur les fautes, les tics de langage et les ridicules le plus fréquemment observés dans le français contemporain".

Rugby World Cup 2011 Official French site

IATIS Translation and Intercultural Studies Conference 2012 Belfast Panels & Call for papers, incl. Translation and Sport in a Globalised World Primary elections site to choose a challenger from Socialist and other left wing parties to challenge the right in Presidential elections of 2012. First round of primary vote on 9 October 2011, second round on 16 October 2011.

TF1: le 20 heures dimanche 18 septembre 2011 - DSK s'explique

Vive le Tour! wonderful documentary video short of the Tour de France in 1962 as seen by Louis Malle and others.

Andrew Ritchie's blog, which includes details of his new book "Quest for Speed. A History of Early Bicycle Racing" - a comprehensive social and technological history of the development of bicycle racing and bicycle technology between 1867 and 1903, in Britain, France and the United States, from the earliest 'velocipedes' and the classic high-wheel bicycle to the 'boom' of the safety bicycle and the pneumatic tire of the mid-1890s and the rise of modern road and track racing. It also explores cycling as recreational riding and contains nearly 200 photographs and illustrations illuminating the social history of the period.

Studying Languages at University, site run in conjunction with the Why study languages initiative. "Languages specific help ... written by current undergraduates to provide straightforward and relevant information about studying languages, linguistics and cultural studies at uni." Both under the Routes into Languages initiative (a consortium of universities working together with schools and colleges, to enthuse and encourage people to study languages).

Les cent plus beaux tableaux des Etats-Unis Canal Académie (Pierre Rosenberg sur son livre)

article on Janice Paulson's Portal "le Quartier français du village planétaire"

Sport, Sex and Gender The Olympics through the lens of social science (British Library)

Side Cinema (Newcastle) - Amber Online Hidden Gems of the French 90's cinema (8 Feb to 1 March 2011)

Pascal's Frenglish News; and his and its magazine "a lot of activities to learn French for Free, for children and beginners and advanced learners."

Association France-Grande-Bretagne "née en 1916, France-Grande Bretagne a pour vocation d'ętre un lieu d'échanges intellectuels et amicaux entre les ressortissants des deux pays. Elle s'efforce d'entretenir le dialogue de part et d'autre de la Manche par le moyen de rencontres, de débats,tout en assurant par des conférences une meilleure connaissance les uns des autres."

Sculptures choisies du Louvre 110 oeuvres avec photos et commentaires

Langues romanes, expressions figées et langage SMS : Prof. Jean-René Klein (Université catholique de Louvain) Canal Académie

La Dictée de Mérimée : vraie ou fausse ? Canal Académie

Sustainability talk "Enough, for all, forever" by Paul Younger (Newcastle University) in Real Player format

La demeure de Claude Monet à Giverny Canal Académie talk & photos

Internet for Sport, Leisure and Recreation tutorial new edition from INTUTE's Virtual Training Suite the digital platform of the Institut Français du Royaume Uni. "Experience a wide range of French e-books, audio, films, documentaries and plays online. Free to join for the first four months." (until Sept. 27th)

Anthologie des jeux avec les mots d'Alfred Gilder Une manière ludique de faire aimer la langue française on Canal Académie

Peter Turner Photos: Flair and Panache photographs of Paris

Agence photo de la Réunion des musées nationaux accès à un fabuleux catalogue d'images d'art en ligne. Plus de 450 000 images photographiques des oeuvres d'art conservées dans les musées nationaux et régionaux français

Les Bleus et le proxénétisme enfin des noms! et encore des noms

L'Alliance française de New York, un "écrin" pour la culture française aux Etats-Unis Interview avec sa directrice Marie-Monique Steckel

France in 1000s of pictures of regions, cities, towns, and villages of France (© Hedley Grenfell-Banks) - see his
hgbservices for Hedley's travel books, articles, talks and photos of France.

Canal Académie: L'Espace Apprendre (avec le CAVILAM de Vichy), "propose de développer vos connaissances de la langue et de la culture françaises. Chaque fiche propose des extraits d'émissions de Canal Académie, accompagnés d'un parcours pédagogique. "

Kissing in France Gory Bateson Sings his song "Telle est la Question" How to "faire la bise" or French kissing

On the Road with Candide New York Public Library's exhibition around Voltaire's Candide Rachel Kaplan's travel site, based in Paris, specializes in exclusive, luxury private tours.

HEFCE Review of Modern Foreign Languages provision in higher education in England (Professor Michael Worton)

bibliothèques numériques Educnet propose une excellente sélection commentée de liens

UK Future TV an Internet TV Channel about careers, study, research and enterprise: offering programmes about careers, research and most of the subjects that can be studied at university, incl. FRENCH STUDIES (presented by Prof. Tim Unwin).

Les traditionnels voeux de la Saint-Sylvestre du Président de la République 2010

Les Restos du Coeur the charity founded by Coluche to help the hungry and homeless.

BBC language Learning site includes RSS Feeds to receive a new phrase every day in French, Spanish, German and Italian

Colloque: 14e carrefour d'histoire du sport: Le sport et la guerre (XIXe -XXe siècles), Rennes, 28-30 octobre 2010 Appel à communications

Centre Pompidou Le Centre National d'Art et de Culture Georges Pompidou, Paris

online Dictionary of Modern France, part of

Canal Académie: émissions sur les dictionnaires

Continuation: Current sites of the week prior to 2010

last updated: 5 janvier 2015 by Geoff Hare.
Sites on this page last systematically checked August 2006 by Geoff Hare

Web site hosting and design by Cornwell Internet from information provided by Geoff Hare