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Records management awareness

Organising records

Managing email

Legal issues

Assessing risk

Retention and disposal

Long-term preservation

Related JISC materials

Records management awareness

House of Lords, The Parliamentary Records Management Handbook: Electronic records and document management,
Shows the importance of maintaining electronic records

JISC, Study of the Records Life Cycle by Elizabeth Parker published in 1999 provides guidance on retention and good management practice for local institutional records and has been adopted by many institutions

National Archives and Records Administration, Documenting your public service,
Provides guidance to senior managers on maintaining records and personal information in their offices

Parliamentary Records Management Handbook http://www.parliament.uk/parliamentary_publications_and_archives/records_management_in_parliament/rmhandbook.cfm
Designed to help you manage your office records

Public Record Office Good practice in managing electronic documents using Office 97 on a local area network

Public Record Office. Corporate policy on electronic records, 2000.
Toolkit to help manage records management and develop a policy

Public Record Office. Management, appraisal and preservation of electronic records vol. 1: principles, 2nd ed., 1999.

Public Record Office. Management, appraisal and preservation of electronic records vol. 2: procedures, 2nd ed., 1999.


Organising records

Managing public sector records: a training programme
Self instruction on 9 modules for organising and controlling current records from IRMT (International Records Management Trust)


Managing email

JISC & Loughborough University: Institutional Records management and email

JISC & Loughborough University, Generic policy for email retention and disposal
Specimen email policy

National Archives of Australia, Managing electronic messages as records
Guidelines to follow in managing records

Stirling University, Electronic mail: a code of good practice.


Legal issues

Data Protection Act 1998 (HMSO)

Freedom of Information Act 2000 (HMSO)

Information Commissioner’s Office, What is the Freedom of Information Act? – movie clip

JISC on Data Protection Act 1998: aimed at Senior Management: http://www.jisc.ac.uk/index.cfm?name=pub_smbp_dpa1998

The National Archives pages on Data protection Act http://www.nationalarchives.gov.uk/policy/dp/
How DPA 1998 affects HE: what types of data are covered, obligations, principles & definitions. Aimed at Senior Management

Data Protection Code of Practice for FE and HE sectors, Version 2.0, JISC & University of Hull, Jan 2001

JISC, Model action plan for achieving compliance with the Lord Chancellor’s code of practice: model action plan for Higher and Further Education organisations

Lord Chancellor’s Code of practice on the management of records Issued under section 46 of the Freedom of Information Act 2000


Assessing risk

National Archives and Records Administration, Moving? Consolidating? Reorganizing?
Describes steps required to protect offices when moving or reorganising offices


Retention and disposal

JISC, HEI Records retention schedule http://www.jisc.ac.uk/index.cfm?name=recordsman_papers_cycle4

JISC HEI Functional Activity Model http://www.jisc.ac.uk/index.cfm?name=recordsman_papers_cycle3

National Archives (old Public Record Office), Policy for the disposition of public records

Record Retention Schedule (RRS) Student Administration http://www.jisc.ac.uk/index.cfm?name=srl_rrs03 HEI-SRL Record Retention Schedule (RRS03 Student Administration) JISC

Record Retention Schedule (RRS) Health and Safety http://www.jisc.ac.uk/index.cfm?name=srl_rrs25 HEI-SRL Record Retention Schedule (RRS25 Health and Safety Management) JISC

Record Retention Schedule (RRS)Teaching and Research http://www.jisc.ac.uk/index.cfm?name=srl_rrs02 HEI-SRL Record Retention Schedule (RRS02 Research) JISC

State Records Authority, New South Wales, Destruction of records: a practical guide, Guideline No 3, June 2003
[Click to it under Guidance and Training] Practical guidance for the destruction of records

State Records Authority, New South Wales, General disposal authority: University records, GDA9
http://www.records.nsw.gov.au/publicsector/disposal/GDAlist.htm#University records
Disposal guidelines for functional and general administrative records of universities


Long-term preservation

A Continuing Access and Digital Preservation Strategy for the Joint Information Systems Committee (JISC) 2002-2005

U.S. National Archives and Records Administration, Vital Records and Records Disaster Mitigation and Recovery: An Instructional Guide

The National Archives (old Public Record Office) Digital Preservation Guidance Notes. http://www.nationalarchives.gov.uk/preservation/advice/default.htm
A series of guidelines providing authoritative advice on such topics as selecting file formats and storage media, handling and storage of removable media


Related JISC materials

Records Management in JISC funded Project-Based Programmes http://www.jisc.ac.uk/index.cfm?name=pres_recmanage

University of Warwick (Retention of personal management records) http://www.jisc.ac.uk/index.cfm?name=project_warwick

Northumbria University (Managing student assessment records) & Managing primary research data)

Northumbria University(Managing primary research data)

Glasgow University (Managing employee records)
(Results to follow shortly)

University of Wales, Bangor (Records management within HR departments)

University of the West of England (Management of Corporate governance and external relations records)

London School of Hygiene & Tropical Medicine (Retention schedule for electronic research data)

University of Edinburgh (Record lifecycle for planning and strategy functions)

King's College London (What is a Student Record?)

Brunel University (Web records management)

University of East Anglia (Research records)